lundi 1 août 2011

Photography through Mobilephone

Berlin 59 | "Hanging out"
Taken with Iphone 4
Trying to catch the dynamic of a group is not easy. Giving the feeling of that dynamic is even harder. A smile, a glimspe in eyes, a tap on a shoulder, catching the "element" that will be the key element is what every photographer quests for.

Photography through Mobilephone

Paris 255 | "Wild cat"
 Taken with Iphone 4
Showing less sometimes mean telling more. Shadows that cover faces, objects or landscapes can give images more power to evoke or to imagnine.

mardi 26 juillet 2011

Photography through Mobilephone

Paris 292 | "Shifting the space-time continuum"
Taken with Iphone 4
I was coming out from the Senate. It was raining just hours ago and the weather was still bad and the sky grey. Then I saw this young man. His allure and his umbrella caught my attention first. I took my phone and shoot just before he vanished in the corner of the street.

 Paris 304 | "Love Carrier"
 Taken with Iphone 4
Lights! Light of a shinny morning and light of a loving and carrying mother. There's nothing else to make me more happy.